Well, it's been a minute since we last communicated via the thank you message I last put out on this website. Since that time, there have been some developments... to start, let me be frank, we thought the delayed 50th reunion would be our last for many reasons. Folks were pretty tired, involved in many family obligations, and simply kicking back. We thought our future gatherings would be at smaller, simpler, more intimate venues. However, due to continued inquiries.... "Will there be a 55th year reunion?" and an obvious desire that we put another one on, we decided, what the heck, let's put on another reunion!
The FIRST full-graduating class of Foy H. Moody High School, the class of 1970, will hold a 55-year reunion on August 16, 2025. We will once again hold the event at the Omni Hotel. We are hard at work working the details and, most importantly, holding fundraisers to support holding the event..
Please know our website will be in operation for at least the next three years, so visit soon and often as we will be posting photos, video, and other information in the coming days. Our website is: moodyhighclassof70reunion.com. There are many links, but two in particular, we would like you to click on "Where are They?" and "Flashback Fridays. " The first is a listing of classmates that we do not have any information on and ask for your help in locating them. The second is a page that has photos from "Back in the Day"...photos from our high school days and growing up. Feel free to submit photos of yourself, friends, and events from our days at Moody so we can share those memories. We also know many of you shot photos at our reunion events. Please share so we might add to our website.
Until we meet again,
Diana Perez-Quintanilla
Moody Class of '70 Reunion Team
Class of '70 getting ready for the Official Photographer to take our photo at our delayed 50th Reunion