Details of Events
Omni Corpus Christi Hotel
Omni Corpus Christi Hotel

Reunion site:  Omni Corpus Christi Hotel
                     900 North Shoreline
                     Corpus Christi, Texas 78401
                     Phone: (361) 887-1600
The Reunion Team has arranged for a block of rooms for the discounted rate of  $175 per night. Book your room soon as we expect them to go fast!              Registration information:
                                       1-800-843-6664 (Omni Central Reservations #)
                    Group Code is: 081625

The Dinner and Dance will be in the grand ballrooms (B & C) for the Omni Hotel. The reception in Ballroom A starts at 5:30 PM and dinner from 6:30 to 8:00 PM.  At 8:00 PM, our band from San Antonio, Bandango, will take us back in time with great music

The costs for the reunion banquet, dance and Friday night social will be $60.00 per person until May 31st and $70.00 after until August 1st deadline. We will maintain a record of paid attendees to verify when you check in at the door. Please be aware that seating may be limited. Make checks payable to "Moody Class of '70" and mail to Moody Class of '70, c/o Diana Quintanilla, 4402 Greensboro, Corpus Christi, TX 78413. You may also contact us if you live in Corpus Christi and we will arrange to get your payment directly if you choose.

Our email address is or phone us at (361) 434-0080.  

As part of the price for the reunion package, the Friday Night Social August 15, 2025, will be held at the American Legion Hall, 5323 Kostoryz Rd., starting at 7:00 PM ending at 11:00 PM. Finger food provided, BYOB.

Lastly, please note that we had some fundraiser dances leading up to the reunion over the last few years, this to raise money to help defray costs associated with the reunion. Thank you for supporting these events as this was how we were able to keep the price as low as we did. Thank you and look forward to seeing everyone!

Your Moody High Class of '70 Reunion Team

Moody High Class of '70 Reunion Dinner & Dance

August 16th, 2025

5:30pm CDT

900 North Shoreline Boulevard,
Corpus Christi, TX, US, 78401