Q Are tickets available for sale yet?
A Yes, you may mail-in your check or money order payment to Moody High Class of '70, c/o Diana Quintanilla. 4402 Greensboro, Corpus Christi, Texas 78413. You may also contact us if you live in Corpus and we will arrange to get your payment directly if you choose Phone: (361) 434-0080...email: MoodyClassof70Reunion@yahoo.com
Q Can we buy tickets on-line?
A Not at this time as we are still working to find a credit card processing company with low fees. We hope to have that capability soon.
Q Will there be a Social the night before the dinner/dance as has been done in the past?
A Yes there is. The social will be held at the Bay Jewel in downtown CC September 9, 2022 from 7:00 to 11:00 PM. This event is part of the purchase price for the reunion. More information can be found in the "Details" page on this website.
Q Can I get a refund if I am not able to attend due to circumstances beyond my control?
A Unfortunely we can't offer refunds once tickets are purchased.
Q What is the attire for the Friday Night Social?
A Casual
Q What is the attire for the Saturday Night Dinner & Dance?
A Formal to semi-formal is suggested
Q What is the attire for the Sunday Family event?
A Definitely casual
Q What does the $50 ticket price cover?
A Friday night social and Saturday night Dinner & Dance
Q How many guests am I allowed to pay for?
A At this time, the event is mostly reserved for Class of 1970 graduates and 3 guests. More may be allowed at a later date